Information for Parents

Middle and Upper School

We invite our parents to work with us in ensuring that the highest standards of academic rigour, uniform, behaviour and conduct are maintained. The information below will empower you to support your child’s learning, and enable them to rise to their potential.

Home School Communication

We work closely with the families at Tower College through close partnership and clear communication.

Parents are encouraged to engage with their child’s teachers directly via email, however we ask that you are mindful of their teaching commitments and duties, and allow up to two working days for a response.

Our contacts page should ensure your enquiries are directed to the relevant person.

School Reports

Receive 5 reports across the academic year, informing you of the progress your child is making

Email Contact

Parents are encouraged to engage with their child’s teachers directly via email.

Meet with us

Our Assistant Principals Mr Glover, Mr Taylor and Ms Gregory are happy to meet with you.


Available via email and app, and a fantastic way to stay up to date on upcoming events and whole-school communication.

Homework & Housepoints

View your child’s achievements and homework.

View our homework expectations.

Parent’s Evenings

Meet with your child’s teachers using our online video consultation platform.


High Expectations

As partners and stakeholders in your child’s education and rounded development, we know that you have high expectations for your child and their school. In order to better understand these expectations, we will sometimes send out surveys in order to improve the provision at Tower College.

In turn, to provide a happy and enriching educational and pastoral provision at our school, we have high expectations for our pupils. We understand that all children require support from both school and home in order to rise to their potential, and we invite all of our parents to support and actively engage with their child’s education.

Homework Expectations

Pupils at Tower College in Middle and Upper School will be set homework each night that is proportionate and enriches and develops their understanding. You and your child are able to see the homework that has been set on epraise, please email if you do not have access.

The homework timetable and expectations for year groups is available on our Teaching and Learning page. If your child is unable to attempt or complete a piece of homework, please email the teacher directly. If your child is unable to access their Microsoft Teams account, email Mr Glover.

Academic Expectations

Pupils at Tower College in Middle and Upper School are expected to demonstrate the value of scholarly pursuits through active participation in class and pride in their academic achievements. Our smaller class sizes allow our Teachers to better understand your child’s potential, and all children are measured against their own personal targets. If we feel that a pupil is not meeting their potential we like to invite their parents in to meet with Mr Glover and Mr Taylor to produce an action plan to make the required improvements.

Uniform and Behavioural Expectations

We have high expectations for the manner in which our pupils conduct and present themselves. In order to meet these expectations we clearly communicate to pupils and parents when behaviour or uniform requirements are not being met, and ask that you support in contributing to the school’s values resilience and integrity.